Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Hands Resist Him - Part 1 - nWoD


Three friends, an aspiring musician, past his prime, a former child actor, and a failed child actor, receive a call from an aloof acquaintance. He tells them to get over to his house, he has something to show them. When they arrive, they see his friend, and a burning body next to him on the driveway! He is screaming "I finally killed myself!" What will the PC's find, why is this happening, and who is really being burned?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hello fellow GAMESTER'S! we will be playing and recording again this friday! HUZZAH! Thank you for bearing with us these past 2 months, we are getting back on a regular schedule so we can play and share. As the polls dictated, Brad will be running a horror game in the New World Of Darkness! stay tuned, the game will be up this weekend!