Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The Hands Resist Him - Part 1 - nWoD
Three friends, an aspiring musician, past his prime, a former child actor, and a failed child actor, receive a call from an aloof acquaintance. He tells them to get over to his house, he has something to show them. When they arrive, they see his friend, and a burning body next to him on the driveway! He is screaming "I finally killed myself!" What will the PC's find, why is this happening, and who is really being burned?
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Hello fellow GAMESTER'S! we will be playing and recording again this friday! HUZZAH! Thank you for bearing with us these past 2 months, we are getting back on a regular schedule so we can play and share. As the polls dictated, Brad will be running a horror game in the New World Of Darkness! stay tuned, the game will be up this weekend!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Hello fellow Gamester's! We are prepping for our triumphant return , and we thought we'd give some power to the people. There are 2 polls on the right to allow you to pick a genre and system for our return game. the stupid poll thing is not letting me put more systems, so if you have a specific one you'd like to hear, leave a comment to this thread. Thanks for your patience, and we will be returning soon!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
So... as you can tell, there was no game last week. :( Brad is still on hiatus and Braden, Joey, Solomon are trying to work out a schedule to play, since Joey has a new job. We will keep you informed of all the happenings until a new game is posted.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Mallory - nWoD
2 boys, Douglas Fairbanks and Jacob Sladder, are spending the night at the Sladder residence. Doug is doing everything he can to keep Jake in good spirits since his sister went missing 3 weeks ago. Jake's sister Mallory was the coolest big sister ever! Smart, funny, and she treated him like a prince. Jake's mind in calming, when Mallory knocks on the window of the basement and beckons the boys to follow her...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Murder's Mark - Part 3 - Pathfinder
The boys unravel some more clues and finally get a lead... only after another murder. The ringleader gets arrested after sheriff Feldane has had enough. Will the boys find the culprit in time to clear her name? Did she actually commit the crimes? Find out as we play MURDER'S MARK part 3 in glorious new audio!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Murder's Mark - Part 2 - Pathfinder
In this second session, the boys are confronted with more mysteries and more secrets. Tensions start to run high as the carnival seems to overstay its welcome in this small fishing village. Can the PC's find out what going on? Can they quell the riot? Will the gynosphinx ever put her shirt on? Keep listening to have all your questions answered.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Hello fellow Gamester's! as most of you may know, our audio quality is not always the best. What you may not know, is that it drives me up the fucking wall! Well, I am glad to report that we just purchased a mixing board and four, count 'em four new microphones! We have been recording with one, so we are looking at a vast improvement on the audio side. Thank you for sticking with us through the bad quality and you will be rewarded with top quality role playing (hopefully) with top quality sound soon!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Murder's Mark - Part 1 - Pathfinder
3 people from a small fishing village are in for a treat as a very famous carnival rolls into town for an entire week. What sights will they see, what games will be played... and will someone be murdered? Find all this out as Braden takes us through "Murder's Mark" a 1st level module for Pathfinder.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thank you!
Thank you for bearing with us for our unscheduled 2 week absence. Brad had a work thing come up the first week, and the were personal issues last week. We will be gaming at our regularly scheduled time this week, but thanks to all of you who have checked out our back catalog while we dealt with life! If you need some other awesome podcasts to listen to, check out:
Happy Jacks
Role Playing Public Radio
Fear The Boot
HP Podcraft - Literary Podcast
Miskatonic University podcast
Happy Jacks
Role Playing Public Radio
Fear The Boot
HP Podcraft - Literary Podcast
Miskatonic University podcast
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The Dreaming Stone - Part 2 - Call of Cthulhu
In this session, we start the back in the enchanted wood. the players see wondrous trees and plants, and pick up on strange animals. they find there way to a temple where they learn that they are on the trail of Byron Humphrey. Following the river eastward, they finally come into civilization and get some information on the Dreamlands. Will the PC's find Byron? Keep listening as we journey through THE DREAMING STONE!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Dreaming Stone - Part 1 - Call of Cthulhu
In this fan requested game, we delve into LOVECRAFT'S Dreamlands. The PC's, who are all experts in their fields, get invited to Byron Humphrey's house to help him solve a riddle of mysterious stone. Humphrey's, a very popular Oculist, dates the stone to 12-1300 AD Peru. As the PC's go to help unravel the mystery, the stone gives them more than they bargain for.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Hello fellow Gamester's! Brade here, letting you know that you can now follow us on Twitter! Joey will live tweet during games, and we will try to keep you posted on all the fun stuff that drives us. Coming up... Gamester's RPG on facebook as well! For those of you who do not want to click on the link, the address is:
Sunday, August 25, 2013
White Palette, ivory Horns - Part 2 - Hackmaster
This is the second and final episode of White Palette, Ivory Horns. We had a blast playing Hackmaster, and the module we played through left plenty of room for additional games. So be Prepared for more Hackmaster! We will continue to use these characters for a little mini campaign, or who knows, it may turn into a full fledged one!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
White Palette, Ivory Horns - Part 1 - Hackmaster
Have you ever read the Knights of the Dinner Table and thought "I would LOVE to play HACKMASTER!" well... we have too, so we are playing it! We struggle with a bit of the rules, but all in all, we had a TON of fun with this system. You will definitely be hearing more of this awesome system! Brad has been in a funk with fantasy, switching it to Savage Worlds and the trying Pathfinder did little to help. Hackmaster has sparked his interest in Fantasy again, HUZZAH!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
The Light - Simple D6 (SD6)
Your day goes on as normal, wherever you are from. You are living your day-to-day grind. You glance a the TV and hear about a horrible tragedy. The lights start to flicker... you blink and you are not where you are supposed to be. Where are you? WHO are you? Why does it smell like horse shit? Find out as Braden runs us through The Light in the Simple D6 System.
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Woman: Redux
Ever wondered what it would be like to revisit a game? We attempt one of our favorite games, with different characters... and a woman! Does it play out the same way as last time? Do the PC's actually survive? What becomes of the woman? Will the addition of a female gamer make any difference? find out in THE WOMAN: REDUX!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
White Plume Mountain - Part 2 - AD&D 1e
In the second, as final session of White Plume Mountain, the rules get the best of Brad. The PC's finally decide to cut their losses and flee the mountain after 2 party members die.
Guest Gamers:
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Now Available on iTunes!
Hello fellow Gamesters! This little podcast we do can now be had through iTunes. You can subscribe there and everything. Please feel free to rate us and let the world know what you think. Of course, you can still get all your Gamester's RPG stuff right here, and stuff you cannot get on iTunes, like upcoming systems, random ass polls and a link to the forum!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The Girl - Part 2 - nWoD
The events of the small town continue as the boys make it back to town with the sheriff. What will happen now that they have seen what they have seen? Find out in the conclusion to The Girl. Joey joins us again and takes over the role of Jimmy.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The Girl - Part 1 - nWoD
In a small town, just outside New Orleans, 7 friends, fresh out of high school, go for a joy ride to an abandoned textile mill to let loose and party. What they find there will forever change their lives.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
The Dark Man - Savage Worlds
Quickly put together Savage Worlds game about a night the PC's will never forget. Each one of them are in a bar looking for somebody, when somebody befriends them. After taking a ride in his epic shaggin wagon, they indeed have a night they will never forget.
RPG Listeners Survey
Hello fellow gamester's! This is Brad here, letting you know that has put up an RPG LISTENERS SURVEY. If you can find the time, (it takes like 2 minutes) please go fill it out. Remeber that GAMESTER'S RPG sent you! While you are there, you can find other quality RPG podcasts.
BTW... I Will be posting more games tonight! Our hiatus is finally over and we are back... with a vengance.
BTW... I Will be posting more games tonight! Our hiatus is finally over and we are back... with a vengance.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
We will be back soon!
Hello fellow gamester's, this is BRAD! I have been renovating and moving into my new house, so we have not played as frequently as we'd all like. Thank you for being patient with us during this time! we will have a new actual play up soon, so stay tuned.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
White Plume Mountain - Part 1 - AD&D 1e
In this session, as a pseudo punishment for not filling out a character questionnaire, we delve deep into WHITE PLUME MOUNTAIN! Brad has run this scenario in the past in 3.5, but he thought he would run it as it originally was... in stunning 1st edition! This will be a multi session game leading the players ever closer to the dreaded TOMB OF HORRORS! which we will play in DREAD! just kidding, i'm not that big of an asshole, it will be in 1st edition as well. so sit back and relax and enjoy the mountain.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
N3M3515 - free music!
Hello all!
So... we did not have a game this week, but in lieu of actual play, I decided to let everyone have my nerdcore rap! You may have heard a few songs if you have listened to the earlier episodes. This is not professionally recorded... please keep that in mind when listening! feel free to download everything I have. The link to the page is right above the post, next to Forum.
So... we did not have a game this week, but in lieu of actual play, I decided to let everyone have my nerdcore rap! You may have heard a few songs if you have listened to the earlier episodes. This is not professionally recorded... please keep that in mind when listening! feel free to download everything I have. The link to the page is right above the post, next to Forum.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Mystery House (the Clue) - Dread
Dread is BACK!!! in this game, the players wake up in a strange house , wearing matching clothes with numbers on the front... oh, there are 17 more just like them too! In this session, we use the Dread mechanic for an investigation game, just to see if we could. Did anyone topple the tower? Maybe. Did they figure out why they are in the house? Perhaps. Are we going to play Dread again? Fuck yeah!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Sandra's House - Call of Cthulhu
:) This is an adaptation of the Chaosium module My Aunt Sandra's house. This is also a lesson in how to derail a game session and how not to re-rail it! Funny stuff in this episode, but a little lighter on the gaming then usual. Jordan plays in this session. While it may not be the best example of Actual Play, it is a fun episode regardless!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Sullivan Brothers - Part 2 - New World of Darkness
Part 2 in the Sullivan Brothers series. In this session, the Sullivan Brothers confront the party crashers and bite off more than they can chew! Get it? Ha Ha.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
the Sullivan Brothers - Part 1 - New World of Darkness
Three brothers from the founding family of Sullivan, Missouri, who are about to leave to fight in WWII are in for a night they will never forget! Braden runs his first New World of Darkness game for us in this, the first in the Sullivan Bros. series.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 6 - Pathfinder
In this short episode, the players are faced with a "mouth" of Demogorgon! Will the fight, or flee? We preview upcoming episodes, take lots of time to read rules, and EVERYONE rolls like Braden, except Braden of course! Not the best podcast we've ever done, ha ha, but informative on rules of casting and the spell system of Pathfinder.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Woman - Call of Cthulhu
In this game, Brad does a different kind of Cthulhu game. The game prep from this game was very minimal. With out giving anything away, this is a game of being fucked, and a question of morality.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 5 - Pathfinder
This is another short, RP heavy session. The party ventures back into the temple and things aren't quite what they seem... or seemed.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 4 - Pathfinder
In this, the fourth session of our ongoing Pathfinder game, the heroes put the temple puzzle together, and the plot thickens... dun dun DUUUUUUUUNNNNN! We find out a big secret of the temple and we may or may not have passed our initiate test, you'll have to listen to find out! Special guest... well, sitter inner Olivia.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Raccoon City - GURPS
Mr. Braden was sick this week so Brad threw together a quick GURPS game. This is a very slightly altered Creative Commons adventure from Ruminations. The players find themselves in a VERY railroadie zombie survival situation after going hiking in Raccoon City for spring break... hilarity ensues!
Monday, April 1, 2013
SPECIAL - Dr Jordan - Dread
This is a one off game with only Brad and Joey. In this SPECIAL episode, the two of them try out an indie system called DREAD. It is a fast paced, tense, Jenga based system. This is a short episode, but a fun one.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 3 - Pathfinder
Part three of the order of the blood; this time we actual do some stuff! A few combat scenarios this time... Brad whines, Joey kills shit and Saul finds everything again!
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Check out our FORUM also!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 2 - Pathfinder
In this session, the crew sets off on a journey for their final test in their acolyte training! They are led on a 1000 league journey to either prove they are ready to be full fledged members of the Order, or die in shame! Brad manages to throw 2 curve balls, and tries to take advantage of poorly worded spells and Braden handles them like a true GM! Joey finishes up his character in the beginning while Braden and Brad give him shit the entire time. Shout out to new listener Daniel! Opening song is 'Sho Nuff' by N3M3515. it is very appropriate for this game!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
New recorder is in!!!
Greetings fellow gamester's, this is Brad. The new audio recorder is in and the tests are very promising! we will be recording Tuesday's Pathfinder game with it, so new and improved audio quality is on the horizon! Thanks to all who have listened through the shoddy iPhone recordings, and still continued to listen! Your perseverance will be rewarded! Oh... in April, we will be having a guest GM run us through the TSR Module S1 - the Tomb of Horrors! In original AD&D! Stayed tuned for that as well as some other surprises!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Order of the Blood - Part 1 - Pathfinder
Short session! In this first session, we are down a player an went through some character creation for Pathfinder. There are a lot of weird cuts in this one since we spent long swaths of time picking skills and spells. We briefly get into the story line at the very end. Braden will be running us through this campaign, so give him a hand!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Atrox of everto Inter quod Sacculus - Part 2 New World of Darkness
Welcome to the second and final session of our New world of Darkness game. This week, we wrap up a little earlier than usual, and have an ending that is somewhat lackluster, due to the story. The reveal kinda ends the game! Oh well! Stayed tuned next week for a Pathfinder game run by Braden! Oh... the ending tag line is stolen from an email written to Happy Jacks RPG Podcast (Happy Jacks), I'm not that awesomely clever! Credit where credit is due!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Audio Issues
Hello every one,
This is Brad from Gamester's RPG Podcast. Listening through the episodes, I have noticed the audio is not up to par with what we set out to do. I am taking steps to correct this issue so you do not get to miss anything due to poor quality! Thank you for listening so far, we have more great stuff for you! coming up soon will be a Pathfinder game, a D6 system game, a GURPS game, a possible OD&D game or two... and Tomb of Horrors in 1E, with other possible 1E modules to come. So sit tight, better audio is on it's way and keep listening to Gamester's RPG Podcast!
This is Brad from Gamester's RPG Podcast. Listening through the episodes, I have noticed the audio is not up to par with what we set out to do. I am taking steps to correct this issue so you do not get to miss anything due to poor quality! Thank you for listening so far, we have more great stuff for you! coming up soon will be a Pathfinder game, a D6 system game, a GURPS game, a possible OD&D game or two... and Tomb of Horrors in 1E, with other possible 1E modules to come. So sit tight, better audio is on it's way and keep listening to Gamester's RPG Podcast!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Atrox of everto Inter quod Sacculus - Part 1 New World of Darkness
Horror game set in the New World of Darkness. the PC's are a group of paranormal investigators who are screen testing for a new "reality" show. When they get to the Linda Vista Community Hospital to investigate, they get a little more than they were expecting. Home ruled Sanity system is tried out for the first time.
Make sure to stop by the new FORUM to leave any questions, comment or anything else!
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Sunday, February 24, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hello world! We are but 4, sometimes 5 humble RPGers who play a variety of systems and a variety of settings. After searching long and hard for AP podcasts for different systems, and finding either poor quality, or non existent podcasts, we decided to make our own. As this is an Actual Play Podcast, you will be hearing a variety of of systems and settings... as well as cussing, farting, smoking, crude jokes and other game related topics! Stay tuned for the first episode!
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